If you are interested in joining the Gavins lab, send your CV and a brief vision statement to Professor Gavins: felicity.gavins@brunel.ac.uk

There are a range of opportunities available for external funding for undergraduate students, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral fellows, including, but not limited to:
​For Post-Doctoral Researchers:
For PhD Candidates:
For Undergraduate Students:
British Pharmacological Society - Vacation Studentships
These are aimed at either school leavers entering a biomedical science degree, or undergraduates studying biomedical science. Studentships will receive funding to help support students while they undertake a research project in the host laboratory.
Award: Up to £1,850
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
Society for Endocrinology - Summer Studentships
These are to assist undergraduate students in gaining research experience by working in a research environment. A stipend is offered for a period of study of up to 10 weeks, together with a sum for the host department consumables.
Award: £185 per week up to a maximum of £1850 per grant for a period of up to 10 weeks plus £1000 for consumables
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
Alzheimer's Society - Undergraduate Bursaries
Alzheimer's Society provides undergraduate summer studentships. The purpose of the awards is to give experience of research within the field of dementia to undergraduates with research potential and to encourage them to consider a career in scientific research.
Award: A stipend of £200 per week can be requested for up to 8 weeks (maximum £1600). Up to £500 can be claimed towards project expenses.
Application deadline: 30 January
Biochemical Society - Summer Vacation Studentships
The Biochemical Society sets aside as much funding as possible for its annual Summer Vacation Studentships and makes every effort to increase this total each year, providing many undergraduate students with the valuable experience of laboratory research.
Award: Stipends of £294.50 per week for 6 weeks.
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines.
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) - Student Scholarship
There are various awards available to students studying at universities or colleges in the British Isles or an overseas institution at which there is a UFAW University Links representative. Students will usually be undertaking courses in the agricultural, biological, psychological, veterinary or zoological sciences.
Award: Variable, see webstie.
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments - Vacation Studentships
​These are aimed at undergraduates studying biomedical science. Students will receive funding to help support them while they undertake a research project in the host laboratory.
Award: Duration: 6 – 10 weeks, Stipend: £250 per week, Consumables & research costs: Up to £1000 maximum.
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines, Usually April/May
Research experience placements (REPs) aim to teach environmental science students quantitative skills by offering funding for summer placements.
Award: Up to 10 weeks, at least National Living Wage
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines